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Hoher Stromverbrauch durch Mail

Liebes Forum,

seit einiger Zeit fällt mir auf, dass Mail einen sehr hohen Akkuverbrauch in meinem iPhone verursacht. Es befindet sich stets unter den Top Verbrauchern. Aktuell ist es sogar auf Platz 1 (siehe Screenshot). Das ist doch nicht normal oder? Ich nutze Mail nur wenige Male am Tag. Ich habe drei Accounts aktiviert (iCloud mit Push, sowie Gmail und mein Uni-Mail-Account, die alle 30 min aktualisiert werden).

Was kann ich da machen? Den Datenabgleich auf 60 min oder gar manuell zu stellen ist doch nicht die Lösung. Mail sollte doch auch so nicht so wahnsinnig viel Energie verbrauchen oder? Alle reden immer von FB als Stromfresser. Dabei liegt FB bei mir nur auf Platz 4, obwohl ich es mehr nutze als Mail.
Auch 29 min WhatsApp-Nutzung und 40 min Hintergrundaktivität haben genauso viel Strom verbraucht, wie 8 min Mail und 40 min Hintergrundaktivität. 25 min Video auf Netflix verbraucht sogar weniger.  Insgesamt geht mein Akku auch relativ schnell zur Neige. 

Freue mich auf eure Antworten!

Angehängte Dateien Bild(er)

Kappe mal alle Datenverbindungen für 10 Minuten und warte auf eine Fehlermeldung

Danke für die Antwort! Du meinst WLAN und mobile Daten abstellen und dann sollte eine Fehlermeldung kommen. Was bewirkt das? Ich probiere es gern mal aus.

Wenn so viel Strom verbraucht wird, liegt vermutlich ein Fehler in der Konfiguration vor. Den kannst du möglicherweise schon bemerken, wenn du mal alle Datenverbindungen kappst.

Habe das gestern gleich mal gemacht. Die einzige Meldung, die dann beim Abruf der Mails kam, war "Emails können nicht empfangen werden. Keine Internetverbindung verfügbar."

Im übrigen habe ich auch bereits Hard-Resets und eine iCloud Wiederherstellung probiert, sowie die Email Konten gelöscht und erneut eingerichtet.

ich habe den iCloud mailaccount in Verdacht.

@Dirk Hasloewer: Hast du ähnliche Probleme oder wie kommst du darauf? Hast du eine Idee, was ich dagegen machen könnte?

@iamei ibackupbot auf PC installieren, iPhone anschließen und dann das log beobachten, da kannst du erkennen, was schief läuft.

Ich bin leider etwas überfordert bei der Auswertung der Logs. Kann mir hier jemand helfen? Tut mir Leid, dass ich so viele Fragen stelle aber ich komme leider nicht weiter.

Auf den ersten Blick scheinen hier einige "Warnings" und "Errors" vorzukommen, oder ist das normal? 

Vielen Dank nochmals!

Angehängte Dateien Bild(er)

Wie wäre es mit copy and Paste?

Hier ein aktueller Auszug:

Apr  7 1640 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Apr  7 1653 Xxx-iPhone pkd[162] <Warning>: assigning plug-in to plugin sandbox
Apr  7 1653 Xxx-iPhone pkd[162] <Warning>: enabling pid=166 for plug-in A9613C88-DCAC-4206-B101-B41AEF674F7A /Applications/
Apr  7 1653 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[2767] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/499A571F-E88A-42B4-9CDC-C5F693A9119F (sandbox)
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone ContactsCoreSpotlightExtension[2767] <Warning>: PlugInKit subsystem NSSharingService_Subsystem not present
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Loaded MobileCoreServices.framework
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Battery Saver Mode is currently disabled
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Removing battery saver mode restrictions
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Error>: MKBGetDeviceConfigurations: aks_get_configuration result: 0
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Error>: MKBGetDeviceConfigurations: aks_get_configuration result: 0
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone keybagd[44] <Error>: 0x16e1bb000 __update_system_keybag_block_invoke: Updating Keybag handle 0
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone keybagd[44] <Error>: 0x16e1bb000 KBUpdateKeyBag: Got opaqueStuff from ondisk keybag
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Loaded BiometricKit.framework
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone keybagd[44] <Error>: 0x16e1bb000 KBUpdateKeyBag: Saved new keybag with result 0
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: ===^^^ WE WILL UPDATE ZKW!
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: ===^^^ WE WILL UPDATE ZKW!
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: Reply Error: Connection interrupted
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for: com.touchfoo.swordigo
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for: com.gramgames.1010
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for: com.ketchapp.zigzaggame
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Warning>: ====^^^^ DuetExpert missing data, count -> people:8 applicationDeepLinks:0 applications:8 requests:331 missingAllDataRequests:1
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for: com.aagame.aagame
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for: com.blogspot.fishandheart.maxtube
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Warning>: ====^^^^ DuetExpert missing data, count -> people:8 applicationDeepLinks:0 applications:8 requests:332 missingAllDataRequests:1
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Loaded MobileCoreServices.framework
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone profiled[2769] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Loaded MobileCoreServices.framework
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone tccd[115] <Notice>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MusicLibrary.framework/Support/medialibraryd)
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone tccd[115] <Notice>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MusicLibrary.framework/Support/medialibraryd)
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone diagnosticd[1347] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 2772, punique: 2772
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2773] <Notice>: Formulating report for process[2772] mobile_installation_proxy
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2773] <Warning>: report not saved because it is non-actionable
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: jetsam: kernel termination snapshot being created
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2775] <Warning>: Saved type '298(298)' report (1 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/JetsamEvent-2016-04-07-162058.ips
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone diagnosticd[1347] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 2274, punique: 2274
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2773] <Notice>: Formulating report for process[2274] coreduetd
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2773] <Warning>: report not saved because it is non-actionable
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Warning>: plugin invalidated
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone ContactsCoreSpotlightExtension[2767] <Warning>: host connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x13f61cdc0> connection from pid 166 invalidated
Apr  7 1606 Xxx-iPhone assistant_service[2776] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:40> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Apr  7 1606 Xxx-iPhone assistant_service[2776] <Warning>: Error getting NanoAppRegistry workspace info: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Apr  7 1607 Xxx-iPhone assistant_service[2776] <Warning>: Failed to soft-link "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileCoreServices.framework/MobileCoreServices"
Apr  7 1607 Xxx-iPhone assistant_service[2776] <Warning>: Error getting NanoAppRegistry workspace info: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Apr  7 1611 Xxx-iPhone diagnosticd[1347] <Error>: unable to find offset 0x837d0aac in shared cache for arch 'arm64'
Apr  7 1611 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2777] <Notice>: Formulating report for process[2275] routined
Apr  7 1611 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2777] <Warning>: report not saved because it is non-actionable
Apr  7 1611 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2777] <Notice>: platform_thread_get_unique_id matched 1153393
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: '' (pid = 2274) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: jetsam: kernel termination snapshot being created
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: '' (pid = 2274) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2778] <Warning>: Saved type '298(298)' report (2 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/JetsamEvent-2016-04-07-162115.ips
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 2558: No such process
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 'FigPlayer - 34' (pid = 34) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Warning>: CoreData: Failed to load optimized model at path '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDuetDataModel.framework/CoreDuetDataModel-PR-19621179.omo'
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: -[SPDeviceConnection fetchInstalledApplicationsForPairedDevice:completion:] - error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: -[SPDeviceConnection activeComplicationsForPairedDevice:completion:] - error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated from this process.}
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Warning>: PairedSync, Debugging at level 0 for console and level 0 for log files
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Warning>: [Warning] Bad response (null) from daemon for setup info
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2779] <Warning>: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Apr  7 1618 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Warning>: __42-[SunriseSunsetProvider initWithCallback:]_block_invoke: updating
Apr  7 1618 Xxx-iPhone locationd[64] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone diagnosticd[1347] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 2779, punique: 2779
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2777] <Notice>: Formulating report for process[2779] coreduetd
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2777] <Warning>: report not saved because it is non-actionable
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: '' (pid = 2779) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: jetsam: kernel termination snapshot being created
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2780] <Warning>: Saved type '298(298)' report (3 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/JetsamEvent-2016-04-07-162125.ips
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone syslogd[25] <Notice>: ASL Sender Statistics
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone assistantd[30] <Error>: tcp_connection_tls_session_error_callback_imp 144 __tcp_connection_tls_session_callback_write_block_invoke.434 error 22
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone assistantd[30] <Error>: NSURLSessionStreamTask: TCPConnection read invalidated by closed connection
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone networkd[93] <Error>: -[NETAWDManager reportStats:metricID:] AWDServerConnection newMetricContainerWithIdentifier failed for metric 2686980, server 0x14ed114b0, not reporting:
            <AWDMPTCPConnectionReport: 0x14ed35970> {
                "client_id" = assistantd;
                "establishment_cellular_fallback" = 0;
                "establishment_failure_error" = 0;
                "establishment_forced_tcp_fallback" = 0;
                "establishment_interface_name" = en0;
                "establishment_success" = 1;
                "establishment_syn_retransmits" = 0;
                "establishment_tcp_fallback" = 0;
                "establishment_time" = "0.046958";
                "interface_reports" =     (
                        "data_in_KB" = 0;
                        "data_out_KB" = 0;
                        "interface_name" = "pdp_ip0";
                        "post_connect_subflow_failure_errors" =             (
                        "post_connect_tcp_fallback_count" = 0;
                        "secondary_flow_failure_count" = 0;
                        "secondary_flow_success_count" = 1;
                        "data_in_KB" = 5;
                        "data_out_KB" = 2;
                        "interface_name" = en0;
                        "post_connect_subflow_failure_errors" =             (
                        "post_connect_tcp_fallback_count" = 0;
                        "secondary_flow_failure_count" = 0;
                        "secondary_flow_success_count" = 0;
                "post_connect_multi_homed" = 1;
                "post_connect_session_lifetime" = "20.0433145";
                "post_connect_single_homed" = 0;
                "post_connect_subflow_attempt_count" = 2;
                "post_connect_subflow_max_subflow_count" = 2;
                "subflow_switching_count" = 0;
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Warning>: CoreData: Failed to load optimized model at path '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDuetDataModel.framework/CoreDuetDataModel-PR-19621179.omo'
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: -[SPDeviceConnection fetchInstalledApplicationsForPairedDevice:completion:] - error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: -[SPDeviceConnection activeComplicationsForPairedDevice:completion:] - error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Notice>: (Note ) WatchKit: SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Warning>: PairedSync, Debugging at level 0 for console and level 0 for log files
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Warning>: [Warning] Bad response (null) from daemon for setup info
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Warning>: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Apr  7 1627 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Warning>: __42-[SunriseSunsetProvider initWithCallback:]_block_invoke: updating
Apr  7 1630 Xxx-iPhone coreduetd[2781] <Warning>: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Apr  7 1634 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Apr  7 1634 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 3->255
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1605 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2 '-536870174')
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from unlocked to locking
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone calaccessd[696] <Warning>: notify name "_CalDatabaseChangedNotification" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone tccd[115] <Notice>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (/usr/libexec/coreduetd)
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1635 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) updateScanner - central is not powered on: 4
Apr  7 1636 Xxx-iPhone backupd[2782] <Warning>: INFO: Exporting keychain
Apr  7 1636 Xxx-iPhone backupd[2782] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 4/8/16, 250 PM
Apr  7 1638 Xxx-iPhone locationd[64] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Apr  7 1645 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1 for handle 0
Apr  7 1645 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1645 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1645 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from locking to locked
Apr  7 1622 Xxx-iPhone syncdefaultsd[2757] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x14c50f360>
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on.
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) updateScanner - central is not powered on: 4
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::deviceDidBootload device bootloaded
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 6->6
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Notice>: -[UABestAppSuggestionManager notifyBestAppChanged:type:options:bundleIdentifier:activityType:dynamicIdentifier:when:confidence:deviceName:deviceIdentifier:deviceType:] (null) UASuggestedActionType=0 (null)/(null) opts=(null) when=2016-04-07 1425 +0000 confidence=1 from=(null)/(null) (UABestAppSuggestionManager.m #327)
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle 0
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 6->3
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from locked to unlocked
Apr  7 1625 Xxx-iPhone locationd[64] <Warning>: notify name "" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 'FigPlayer - 34' (pid = 34) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) Peripheral manager is not powered on
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) Peripheral manager is not powered on
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware - using ISP-FAST
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Warning>: ====^^^^ DuetExpert missing data, count -> people:8 applicationDeepLinks:0 applications:8 requests:333 missingAllDataRequests:1
Apr  7 1629 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: bool AppleSEPARTStorage::save_incoming_art(const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *): Incoming art set and synched
Apr  7 1632 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Apr  7 1632 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_off_hardware
Apr  7 1632 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 'FigPlayer - 34' (pid = 34) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan
Apr  7 1632 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 2016-04-07 0432.890916 PM [AirPlay] BTLE discovery removing all devices
Apr  7 1632 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 2016-04-07 0432.904027 PM [APBrowser] IPv4 listener stopped.
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone mobile_assertion_agent[2784] <Notice>: main: Starting up.
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone installd[2787] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 -[MIClientConnection lookupUninstalledWithOptions:completion:]: Lookup uninstalled requested by atc (pid 677) with options (null)
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/07/2016 1443±60.00 from "MobileLockdown"
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 26.79min. Need active time in 8318.45min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min.
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>: validateAndAddDefaults( End Time (inf) > now (481731764.2) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '262' simulated:'0'.
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Berlin" from "MobileLockdown" with mcc 262
Apr  7 1644 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Error) CoreTime: Error requesting proactive time check job
Apr  7 1651 Xxx-iPhone ondemandd[2794] <Warning>: ondemandd is starting up...
Apr  7 1651 Xxx-iPhone replayd[2795] <Error>: objc[2795]: Class RPStoreInfo is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/ReplayKit.framework/ReplayKit and /usr/libexec/replayd. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Apr  7 1651 Xxx-iPhone ondemandd[2794] <Error>: -[ODRBackgroundMaintenance startBackgroundMaintenanceOperations]
Apr  7 1651 Xxx-iPhone replayd[2795] <Error>: objc[2795]: Class RPStoreManager is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/ReplayKit.framework/ReplayKit and /usr/libexec/replayd. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Apr  7 1651 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[2791] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C251C942-F813-4C0F-8355-7EACD1B568A0 (sandbox)
Apr  7 1655 Xxx-iPhone lockdownd[1368] <Error>: CFStringGetCString error in locklog
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone installd[2787] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 __69-[MIFileManager urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL:ignoringSymlinks:error:]_block_invoke: Ignoring symlink at /System/Library/CoreServices/AuthBrokerAgent
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone installd[2787] <Notice>: 0x16e087000 __69-[MIFileManager urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL:ignoringSymlinks:error:]_block_invoke: Ignoring symlink at /System/Library/CoreServices/CFNetworkAgent
Apr  7 1657 Xxx-iPhone mobile_assertion_agent[2784] <Notice>: service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes.
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 3->255
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1605 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2 '-536870174')
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from unlocked to locking
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1658 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) updateScanner - central is not powered on: 4
Apr  7 1601 Xxx-iPhone backupd[2796] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 4/8/16, 250 PM
Apr  7 1608 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1 for handle 0
Apr  7 1608 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1608 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1608 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from locking to locked
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService *, void *) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics:
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: USB mux: 1148 reads / 0 errors, 1896 writes / 0 errors
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone ptpd[2764] <Notice>: PTP interface has been deactivated.
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone notification_proxy[2770] <Error>: 0x16e087000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone notification_proxy[2770] <Error>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on.
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) updateScanner - central is not powered on: 4
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::deviceDidBootload device bootloaded
Apr  7 1621 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 6->6
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone ptpd[2764] <Notice>: Photo library available
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone ptpd[2764] <Notice>: PTP interface has been activated at high speed.
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone backupd[2796] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 4/8/16, 250 PM
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1458 mA)
Apr  7 1623 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1427 mA)
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/07/2016 1423±60.00 from "MobileLockdown"
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 26.12min. Need active time in 8317.79min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min.
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>: validateAndAddDefaults( End Time (inf) > now (481731804.2) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Error) CoreTime: Error requesting proactive time check job
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '262' simulated:'0'.
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone timed[1360] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Berlin" from "MobileLockdown" with mcc 262
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone installd[2787] <Notice>: 0x16e2d3000 -[MIClientConnection lookupUninstalledWithOptions:completion:]: Lookup uninstalled requested by atc (pid 677) with options (null)
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle 0
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from locked to unlocked
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 6->3
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone locationd[64] <Warning>: notify name "" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak
Apr  7 1624 Xxx-iPhone ptpd[2764] <Warning>: #### Storage allocated/var/mobile/Media
Apr  7 1630 Xxx-iPhone ifunnews[2750] <Warning>: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
Apr  7 1630 Xxx-iPhone syncdefaultsd[2799] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "opportunistic" on <APSConnection: 0x14e626c50>
Apr  7 1631 Xxx-iPhone syncdefaultsd[2799] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x14e626c50>
Apr  7 1633 Xxx-iPhone lockdownd[1368] <Error>: CFStringGetCString error in locklog
Apr  7 1634 Xxx-iPhone mobile_assertion_agent[2784] <Notice>: service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes.
Apr  7 1642 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 'FigPlayer - 34' (pid = 34) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) Peripheral manager is not powered on
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) Peripheral manager is not powered on
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware
Apr  7 1643 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_on_hardware - using ISP-FAST
Apr  7 1649 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Apr  7 1649 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleH6CamIn::power_off_hardware
Apr  7 1649 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 'FigPlayer - 34' (pid = 34) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan
Apr  7 1649 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 2016-04-07 0449.948526 PM [AirPlay] BTLE discovery removing all devices
Apr  7 1649 Xxx-iPhone mediaserverd[28] <Notice>: 2016-04-07 0449.949236 PM [APBrowser] IPv4 listener stopped.
Apr  7 1652 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryManager::configureAllowedFeatures: tristar: revoking mask=0xffff
Apr  7 1652 Xxx-iPhone iaptransportd[73] <Warning>: CIapPortAppleIDBus: Auth timer timeout completed on pAIDBPort:0x12ed0a240, portID:01 downstream port
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone diagnosticd[1347] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 2786, punique: 2786
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2801] <Notice>: Formulating report for process[2786] mobile_installation_proxy
Apr  7 1656 Xxx-iPhone ReportCrash[2801] <Warning>: report not saved because it is non-actionable
Apr  7 1602 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Error>: tcp_connection_tls_session_error_callback_imp 139 __tcp_connection_tls_session_callback_write_block_invoke.434 error 22
Apr  7 1603 Xxx-iPhone searchd[166] <Error>: tcp_connection_tls_session_error_callback_imp 140 __tcp_connection_tls_session_callback_write_block_invoke.434 error 22
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Apr  7 1615 Xxx-iPhone backboardd[60] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal detection mode: 3->255
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1605 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2 '-536870174')
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from unlocked to locking
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: (Error) updateScanner - central is not powered on: 4
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: _UIGraphicsDrawIntoImageContextWithOptions: cannot draw into NULL context
Apr  7 1616 Xxx-iPhone SpringBoard[1605] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone syslog_relay[2802] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Apr  7 1617 Xxx-iPhone backupd[2803] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 4/8/16, 250 PM
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1 for handle 0
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Error>:  LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone UserEventAgent[26] <Notice>: (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed.
Apr  7 1626 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from locking to locked

@iamei hast du JB?

Hast du extensions geladen im NC?

Da ist ja einiges im Argen.

Kein Jailbreak. Im NC sind:

Übersicht (heute)
Übersicht (morgen)

Das Gerät wurde erst vor ca. 2 Monaten aus einem iCloud Backup wiederhergestellt.

Auffällig sind ja in dem Kontext:
  • Apr 7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
  • Apr 7 1654 Xxx-iPhone dataaccessd[200] <Warning>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
  • Apr 7 1635 Xxx-iPhone MobileMail[1616] <Warning>: Key bag transitioning from unlocked to locking
Hier wird also der Googlemail-Account, der Facebook-Account und der Schlüsselbund selbst im Zusammenhang mit Schlüsseln mehrfach erwähnt. Probier erstmal, den Googlemail-Account oder den Facebook-Account temporär zu deaktivieren, oder zumindest neu einzurichten, und mal zu beobachten, wie die Akkulaufzeit sich verhält. Ansonsten kannst du mal versuchen, eine etwaige Codesperre vom iPhone zu entfernen oder zumindest einen neuen Code zu wählen.

@iamei @iamei Da ist so viel falsch.

Die Verknüpfung zur Watch ist kaputt, Schlüsselbund und Backup haben Probleme...

Ich würde so ein Ding per DFU wiederherstellen und auf das Backup verzichten (Das enthält die Fehler).

Das wäre natürlich die beste Methode, da muss ich Denner beipflichten Zwinkern Wenn ein Wiederherstellen ohne Backup akzeptabel ist, ist das etwaigen anderen Fehlerbehebungen vorzuziehen.

Vielen Dank für eure Antworten. Jetzt bin ich etwas verunsichert :-( klingt ja gar nicht gut. Mysteriös auch: ich besitze keine Watch und habe nie eine gekoppelt ...

Ich werde morgen mal ausprobieren, was ich erreichen kann. Eine Wiederherstellung ohne Backup würde ich eigentlich ungern durchführen, wenn nicht unbedingt notwendig. Der Aufwand ist groß und eine Sachen (z.B. SMS, App-Daten und Spielstände) sind dann ja weg.

Ja, das stimmt, kann ich gut verstehen. Vieles kann man zwar vorher sichern und getrennt zurückspielen, zum Beispiel Mail, Kontakte, Kalender, Erinnerungen, Notizen mit dem Anbieter deiner Wahl, viele Apps bieten eigene Backup-/Exportfunktionen etc, aber die meisten Daten sind danach futsch. Kannst natürlich mal in der Apple Watch App nachsehen, ob man dort etwas sieht, sofern du das Mail-Stromverbrauch-Problem irgendwie eindämmen kannst bzw. dich damit anfreunden kannst, kannst du ein Wiederherstellen ohne Backup ja vielleicht auch vermeiden Zwinkern

Liebe Leute,

ich habe nun mal ein paar Tipps befolgt, die Accounts zeitweise abgemeldet. Dies brach definitiv eine Verbesserung mit sich. Macht ja auch durchaus Sinn. Nach erneutem Einrichten steigt der Verbrauch aber wieder auf das vorige Niveau an. Den iCloud Schlüsselbund habe ich ausgeschaltet und neu eingestellt. Den Sperrcode geändert (was sollte das bewirken?). Außerdem Facebook deinstalliert und nach einem Tag wieder installiert. Ich habe den Eindruck, der Verbrauch ist nun wieder ähnlich hoch, wie vorher.

Mich würde mal interessieren, wie viel % Mail bei euch verursacht und welche Konfigurationen ihr in Mail habt (Anzahl der Accounts, Push oder Zeitplan usw.).

Noch eine Frage: könnte das zurücksetzen der iPhone Einstellungen Besserungen bringen?

Freue mich auf eure Antworten!

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