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Email From Steve Jobs...

...Says 3G Reception Problems Affecting 2% Users, Software Fix On he Way.

As you might remember, a bunch of users on the Apple Discussions forums have been complaining about strangely bad reception on their new iPhone 3Gs,
causing one analyst to blame the Infineon chipset used in the device. Not long after, BusinessWeek claimed their sources said Apple was on it
and would issue a software update. Now one user claims that he emailed Steve Jobs about the problem and got a response from His Steveness himself.

According to the email response, the issue is affecting 2% of iPhone 3Gs that shipped, and the issue is fixable with just a software update. From the email:
Zitat: We are working on some bugs which affect around 2% of the iPhones shipped, and hope to have a software update soon.


Historically, Steve Jobs (or someone acting on his behalf) has been known to reply to emails sent to him,
and he has in the past revealed information in them that we didn't already know.

[ via iPhone Alley & MacRumors ]

Da bin ich ja beruhigt dass das mit einem Software-Update behoben werden kann! Nette Sache das Steve Jobs geantwortet hat... hehe Biggrin


Heisst das, der ANGEBISSENE APFEL hört bald auf sich in mein Display einzubrennen?!!?!?!?!?

Ich hoffe es doch sehr! Übrigens glaube ich, dass es weitaus mehr als 2 % der iPhones sind die dieses Problem aufweisen!

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Letzter Beitrag von Jesusphone
16.05.2009, 10:38

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