11.03.2011, 00:31
hallo...habe gerade versucht mein werksfreies und völlig ungehacktes iphone 4 auf 4.3 zu updaten...leider kommt nun jedes mal wenn ich wiederherstellen möchte der fehler 1013...woran könnte das liegen?!?!?!
Error 1004 and 1013: This error may be the result of the connection to gs.apple.com being blocked, redirected, or interrupted. Adjust your hosts file or security software to ensure that connections to gs.apple.com are not blocked. If the issue persists, try restoring on another computer with a known-good connection. If this restore is successful, you will need to contact whoever supports your install of the operating system and security software installed on your computer for assistance. If your hosts file redirects requests to gs.apple.com, you may choose to follow Can't connect to the iTunes Store, in the "The 'hosts' file may be blocking the iTunes Store" section.
(11.03.2011, 00:38)Xenia schrieb:(10.03.2011, 21:10)Xenia schrieb: Entferne bei TinyUmbrella den Haken bei 'Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit' im Reiter 'Avanced', bestätige mit Apply, schließe TinyUmbrella und starte den Rechner neu.
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