So, ich hab mich jetzt mal direkt an den Entwickler der App gewendet.
Hab auch binnen 2 Std eine Antwort erhalten.
Hab ihm natürlich gleich unter die Nase gerieben dass das größte deutsche iPhone Forum auch Fans hat. Wie ihr der Korrespondenz entnehmen werdet, wird er sich bestimmt mal hier blicken lassen. Ich würde sagen dass wir ihn doch herzlich Willkommen heißen.
Hier die eMail die ich mit Ihm geschrieben habe (von unten nach oben lesen):
Hey Ben,
i`m very happy about your fast Answer.
Of course you have fans even in Germany
It`s one of the best Apps i`ve ever seen so far.
Crossed fingers that apple will give a ok for a new release!!!
In case you just want to take a look to the german forum, just go to :
Have a good one,
2011/7/9 cocotutch <>
Hi Marko,
I was surprised when I received your email to be honest. I didn't realise that I had fans even in Germany, I was very surprised!
As for Muzik, I have had to remove it from the App Store for the time being. It's currently being moved from my business partner's account, to my own as we parted ways and are no longer in business together.
Rest assured however, that it's on its way back quite soon! As soon as Apple get their act together and Review it, that is.
I have done quite a bit of work on the latest version of Muzik for my fans, and I'm sure it will be the best update yet
Thanks for your enquiry! I'll be sure to try and find the Forum you mentioned and visit sometime,
Developer+Creator - Muzik for iPhone
Follow me on Twitter! @cocotutch
On 10/07/2011, at 12:14 AM, Marko Filberich wrote:
Hey there,
i`m from Germany and a since i`ve seen your muzik app, i`m one of your biggest fans
AWESOME Job !!!!!
Unfortunately, the app isn`t available in the AppStore anymore.
Is there any chance to get it without the appstore?
I would pay via paypal 5€ if i could get it.
Or did u plan to release the app in cydia?
Please keep working on it. A lot of memebers in the biggest iPhone Forum in Germny also want to have it.
Thx in advance and greetings from germany
Don`t hate the Game, hate the Player
Das find ich mal geil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!