Vorab, es geht um den Bericht, daß das iPhone selbstständig Screenshots von Anwendungen, privaten Daten etc. macht.
Ich war sehr erschrocken, was sich alles im Pfad :

Screenshots von : geöffneten Programmen, Aktien, SMS, Telefonbucheinträge
Guckt mal bei Euch in den Pfad. Ich denke Ihr werdet begeistert sein.
Den ersten Thread dazu findet Ihr hier : https://iszene.com/thread-29452.html
Ich war sehr erschrocken, was sich alles im Pfad :

Screenshots von : geöffneten Programmen, Aktien, SMS, Telefonbucheinträge
Guckt mal bei Euch in den Pfad. Ich denke Ihr werdet begeistert sein.

Zitat:“(I) found that the screenshots themselves actually get written to
If you delete this folder and symlink it to /dev/null, the screenshots don’t get written to disk.
The side effect to this is that when resuming an application, you’ll get the default screen in the zoom-in effect.
Once the application resumes, however, you’ll have your application screen back. For example,
your mail application will always zoom to the front as if you had an empty inbox, but will quickly correct itself
once the application resumes. On a jailbroken iPhone, you can disable these screenshots with the following commands:
“To return to the default behavior, just delete the symlink and the directory will get recreated. Mind you,
- rm -rf /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots
- ln -s /dev/null /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots
this has no effect on the many other pieces of data stored on the iPhone, and therefore your iPhone
will always be at risk for leaking private data, especially to seasoned forensic examiners.
Use at your own risk.”
Den ersten Thread dazu findet Ihr hier : https://iszene.com/thread-29452.html