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Apple veröffentlicht sechste Beta von iOS 7

[Bild: 84149310040530762808.png]
Dieses mal zu einer ganz ungewohnten Zeit, hat Apple vor wenigen Minuten die sechste Beta von iOS 7 für iPhone, iPad und iPod veröffentlicht. Das Update hat eine Größe von 13,5 MB und steht direkt über die Softwareaktualisierung zum Download bereit. Features und Bugs werden hier in Kürze nachgetragen. Anwender, die eine frühere Betaversion auf ihrem Geräten haben, sollten das Update möglichst bald durchführen da alle Betaversionen ein internes "Ablaufdatum" besitzen, nach dem das Gerät den Dienst verweigert. Wir freuen uns auf euer Feedback.

Die Features von iOS 7 findet ihr hier
Apps mit denen es aktuell noch Probleme gibt werden hier aufgelistet.

Bei diesem kleinen Update scheint es sich hauptsächlich um eine Fehlerbehebung für iTunes in the Cloud zu handeln.

Ablaufdatum: Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Notes and Known Issues

The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 7.0 to develop code.

Address Book

The classes in the AddressBookUI framework now explicitly disallow subclassing. For apps linked against the iOS 7 SDK, attempting to initialize a subclass of one of these classes returns nil. For apps linked against older SDKs, the only behavior change is a warning logged to the console.
As of Seed 4, privacy support for the AddressBookUI framework is reenabled for apps linked against the iOS 7 SDK. Apps linked against older SDKs are not changed. If your app uses any of the Address Book view controllers, you should verify that it still behaves as expected.

AirDrop in iOS 7 Seed 2 or later is not compatible with AirDrop in iOS 7 Seed 1.
Contacts Only support requires that:
You are logged in to iCloud.
The sender and receiver have each other’s Apple ID email addresses in Contacts on their devices.
AV Foundation

AVCaptureSession now uses your app’s AVAudioSession by default.

Core Animation

When the UIViewGroupOpacity key is not present, the default value is now YES. The default was previously NO.

This means that subviews of a transparent view will first be composited onto that transparent view, then the precomposited subtree will be drawn as a whole onto the background. A NO setting results in less expensive, but also less accurate, compositing: each view in the transparent subtree is composited onto what’s underneath it, according to the parent’s opacity, in the normal painter’s algorithm order.


In Seed 4 and later, the Exchange DeviceIdentifier has been changed back to the behavior of iOS 6 where it uses the serial number.


New font line heights were introduced in Seed 4. If you had manually aligned your font in earlier seeds, it may move slightly up vertically in later seeds.


An NSMetadataQuery with ubiquitous scope can now use kMDItemContentTypeTree in predicates. For example:
NSPredicate *p = [NSComparisonPredicate
predicateWithLeftExpression:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:@"kMDItemContentTypeTree"]
rightExpression:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@"public.rtf"]
modifier: NSAnyPredicateModifier
When called on results returned by queries with ubiquitous scopes, -[NSMetadataItem valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey] now produces the same value as -[NSURL getResourceValue: forKey: NSURLLocalizedNameKey], matching nonubiquitous queries.

If you use iCloud Keychain with recovery, you may see a dialog indicating recovery has been disabled due to a server change. This is intentional. To reenable functionality, follow the instructions in the notification. If you see multiple alerts or observe issues with reenabling recovery, please file a bug report.
iCloud Keychain in iOS 7 Seed 3 or later is not backward compatible with iOS 7 Seed 2 or OS X Mavericks Seed 2.
If you had iCloud Keychain and/or Keychain Restore enabled from iOS 7 Seed 2, both features are disabled upon updating to iOS 7 Seed 3 or later.

After updating to iOS 7 Seed 3 or later, go to Settings > iCloud > Keychain and reenable iCloud Keychain on your devices.

See OS X v10.9 Release Notes for more details.

Activation Lock, a new feature of Find My iPhone, is turned on automatically when Find My iPhone is enabled on any device running iOS 7. Activation Lock requires users to enter their Apple ID and password to turn off Find My iPhone, sign out of iCloud, erase the device, or reactivate the device after an erase. It’s important to do one of the following before transferring a device to a new user:
Sign out of iCloud.
Turn off Activation Lock in Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone.
Known Issues

Password fields are not displayed in alert views for apps in landscape (for example, Game Center authentication or In-App Purchase). Text entry still works, though you can’t see what you are typing.


If the calls to renderInContext on the layer backing an MKMapView are made off the main thread, they should be eliminated or moved to the main thread. Failure to do so can cause an app crash. Instead of using renderInContext, use the new MKMapSnapshotter APIs.


iOS now remembers the last used media app across reboot and app crashes. Media apps that can receive remote control events should be prepared to be launched in the background and potentially receive a remote control event to begin playback. Additionally, it’s important that media apps monitor and handle the media server reset event, since the media app may receive a remote request to resume playback after a reset. Notifications to monitor these media server events are available in AVAudioSession and proper handling is described in General recommendations for handling kAudioSessionProperty_ServerDied.

Multipeer Connectivity

The MCSession APIs function as they were presented at WWDC. Major changes and enhancements include:

The following new method on MCSession has been implemented:
- (NSOutputStream *)startStreamWithNameSadNSString *)streamName toPeerSadMCPeerID *)peerID errorSadNSError **)error
This delegate method has been implemented:
- (void)sessionSadMCSession *)session didReceiveStreamSadNSInputStream *)stream withNameSadNSString *)streamName fromPeerSadMCPeerID *)peerID
The following new method on MCSession has been implemented:
- (NSProgress *)sendResourceAtURLSadNSURL *)resourceURL withNameSadNSString *)resourceName toPeerSadMCPeerID *)peerID withCompletionHandlerSadvoid(^)(NSError *error))completionHandler
The delegate method to start receiving a resource from remote peer has been implemented as:
- (void)sessionSadMCSession *)session didStartReceivingResourceWithNameSadNSString *)resourceName fromPeerSadMCPeerID *)peerID withProgressSadNSProgress *)progress
The delegate method to finish receiving a resource from remote peer and save the content in a temporary location is implemented as:
- (void)sessionSadMCSession *)session didFinishReceivingResourceWithNameSadNSString *)resourceName fromPeerSadMCPeerID *)peerID atURLSadNSURL *)localURL withErrorSadNSError *)error
Note: The app is responsible for moving the file to a permanent location within its sandbox.

MCAdvertiserAssistant is a convenience class for implementing an Advertiser, which handles invitations and connections to an MCSession.
MCSession has a new initWithPeer: method.
sendResource has added “with” to the completionHandler.
The timeout has been removed from connectPeer:withNearbyConnectionData.
For more information on these APIs, watch the video for WWDC 2013 Session 708, “Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity.”


AVAudioSession can no longer become active by apps in the background that wake due to Background Fetch, Background Transfers, and Remote Notification events.
The policy for the task completion API has changed back to match the iOS 6 behavior, but the time limit for task completion has decreased from 10 minutes in iOS 6.

The cellular fallback technology present in previous seeds has been removed as of Seed 5.
Two low-level networking APIs that used to return a MAC address now return the fixed value 02�00�00:00. The APIs in question are sysctl (NET_RT_IFLIST) and ioctl (SIOCGIFCONF). Developers using the value of the MAC address should migrate to identifiers such as -[UIDevice identifierForVendor]. This change affects all apps running on iOS 7.
Objective-C Runtime

Due to changes in how the isa field is implemented, *self may change during enumeration (for example, if the container is retained).

Workaround: When implementing countByEnumeratingWithState, do not set state->mutationsPtr = self.


As of iOS 7 Seed 4, Passbook has added support for the major and minor fields to better match the rest of the iBeacon ecosystem. The new major and minor keys are independently variable optional alongside proximityUUID (required) in each dictionary in the beacons array.
In previous versions of the iOS SDK, Passbook did not validate the back fields on passes completely. The validation rules have not changed, but validation is now including back fields. Please check the console log for additional logs.
As of iOS 7 Seed 3, PKPassLibraryDidCancelAddPasses is a new status code in the PKPassLibraryAddPassesStatus enum. It signifies that the user tapped Cancel in an add-passes alert.

Upon upgrading from an earlier seed, photo thumbnails in the Photos app will not appear for a short while.


-[UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] is no longer accepted in submissions to the App Store. In iOS 7, apps that are already on the store or on users’ devices that call this removed API will no longer be returned the UDID. Instead, -[UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] will return a 40-character string starting with FFFFFFFF, followed by the hex value of -[UIDevice identifierForVendor]. It is important to consider how this will affect existing apps. Consider submitting updates that no longer access the UDID.
iOS now requests user consent for apps to use audio input on all iOS 7 devices. For devices sold in China, iOS will also request user consent for apps to use the camera hardware. The operating system will present the consent alert when you set the category of the instantiated AVAudioSession. The AVAudioSession categories that will present the alert are AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord and AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord.
If the user doesn’t allow access, the audio session data will be all zeros (silence). For devices where camera access is requested and denied by the user, the video capture session is a black screen.

The API gethostuuid() has been removed and will not be accepted for submission to the store, regardless of the targeted OS. For existing apps running on iOS 7, the function will return a uuid_t representation of the vendor identifier (-[UIDevice identifierForVendor]).

This seed includes development versions of new male and female Siri voices for U.S. English, French, and German.


Through iOS 6, when using TWTweetComposeViewController and SLComposeViewController (the latter only for Twitter and Weibo, but not Facebook), if the caller supplies a completionHandler, the supplied completionHandler is responsible for dismissing the view controller. As of iOS 7, if the app links against the iOS 7 SDK, the view controller will dismiss itself even if the caller supplies a completionHandler. To avoid this, the caller’s completionHandler should not dismiss the view controller.
When using the iOS 6.1 SDK on OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion, if you use the iOS 5.0 or iOS 5.1 Legacy SDK in iOS Simulator, you will not be able to use Twitter features: attempting to sign in to Twitter via the Settings pane will fail, and Twitter.framework will not work correctly. If you need to test Twitter features, you will need to choose either an iOS 6.1 or iOS 6.0 Simulator run destination, or you can test with iOS 5.x on a device.

Active touches are no longer canceled when the user takes a screenshot.
Dynamic wallpaper is not available on iPhone 4.
Sprite Kit

+[AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:] returns an AVPlayer object, but the current item will return nil if the player was created on another thread.

Known Issues

App downloads can get stuck in the “Waiting” state.

Workaround: Reboot your device once or twice to resolve the issue and allow subsequent downloads to continue.


Before Seed 4, the snapshot API (snapshotView and resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:withCapInsets: ) would defer taking the snapshot if the view had never been committed or had been added to the view hierarchy in the current transaction. This behavior has changed.
Snapshots now always represent the current, committed state of the view. Attempting to snapshot a view that has never been committed logs a message and now returns nil.

Snapshotting methods have been updated and now take an argument: afterUpdates. When set to YES, this instructs the snapshot to wait until all pending changes to the hierarchy have been committed. To maintain the pre-Seed 4 behavior, pass NO and the snapshot will capture what is currently on screen. See UIView.h for more details.
When there isn’t enough room in the navigation bar layout for the full text of the back button title, the navigation bar will substitute a generic short back title (in English, “Back”). If even that string is too long, the bar will show the back indicator chevron with no title.
+[UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:create:] and +[UIPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName] now unique the given name to allow only those apps in the same application group to access the pasteboard. If the developer attempts to create a pasteboard with a name that already exists and they are not part of the same app suite, they will get their own unique and private pasteboard. Note that this does not affect the system provided pasteboards, general, and find.
Starting with Seed 2, apps default to using the new view controller-based status bar management system. To opt out of this, add a value of NO for the UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance key to your Info.plist.
When using Auto Layout to position a UIButton, if you set the content compression resistance or content hugging priority to minimum, the button will have ambiguous layout.
Workaround: Don’t use a content compression resistance or content hugging priority of less than 2 for UIButton.

UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer allows you to perform actions in response to swipes over the edge of the screen using the same heuristics that the system uses for its own gestures. Use this if you have a navigation semantic of your own that doesn’t use UINavigationController but should include this gesture (e.g., Safari).
This gesture recognizer has a property that describes the edges on which it’s active. UIRectEdge is a new enum type that this property and -[UIViewController edgesForExtendedLayout] can share. UIRectEdge replaces UIExtendedEdge, which will be removed. The members of both have the same values. Use Xcode to replace all instances of “UIExtendedEdge” in your project with “UIRectEdge”.

UIButtonTypeInfoLight, UIButtonTypeInfoDark, and UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure buttons all look the same.
Blurred layers are not available on iPhone 4.
Parallax is not available on iPhone 4.
Letterpress text is not available on iPhone 4.
Known Issues

Password fields are not displayed in alert views for apps in landscape (for example, Game Center authentication or In-App Purchase). Text entry still works, though you can’t see what you are typing.


Weather conditions are not animated on iPhone 4.


Previously, when the viewport parameters were modified, the old parameters were never discarded. This caused the viewport parameters to be additive.
For example, if you started with width=device-width and then changed it to initial-scale=1.0, you ended up with a computed viewport of width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0.

In iOS 7, this has been addressed. Now you end up with with a computed viewport of initial-scale=1.0.

Previously, when using <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=1">, the scale could be incorrect after rotation.
Now, if a user has not scaled the page explicitly, the page is restored to its initial scale. Also, the current scale is now correctly restricted within the min-scale, max-scale bounds.

Some images for Retina display devices appear at twice the size that they should instead of being scaled down 50%. This issue can also occur with any image to be scaled that is larger than its container and that uses either the background-size property or the -webkit-background-size property. This issue affects both native apps that display web content and web pages viewed in Safari for iPhone.
The background CSS shorthand property now resets the value of the background-size property to auto when background size is not specified. This new behavior is per the CSS spec, and the old behavior is available only for apps linked to an SDK prior to iOS 7.0 when running on iOS 7 or later.

Workaround: Specify the background-size property or the -webkit-background-size property after the background shorthand property in the CSS stylesheet for the web content being displayed.

Web apps and web clips created prior to Seed 4 will not stay in folders across reboot.
Workaround: Delete the old web app or web clip and recreate it in this seed by loading the content in Safari, tapping the Action button, and then “Add to Home Screen.”


Seed 4 and later include changes to AWDL such that technologies that use it—such as AirDrop and the MultiPeerConnectivity APIs—will not work properly with older seeds.

Im DEV-Portal steht noch das hier, was man beachten soll:

Important Information About Music and Video Libraries
This update addresses an issue with iTunes in the Cloud, where some purchases may download or play unexpected items. If you have any devices running previous versions of iOS 7 beta, you must:
1. Install iOS 7 beta 6
2. Install the ResetMusicAndVideosLibraries configuration profile
3. From Settings > Music, tap the Reset Media Library button
4. Restart the device

Das Configuration Profile von dem dort die rede ist, ist zum DL im DEV-Portal verlinkt.

Downloadlinks iOS 7 Beta 6

iPhone 5 (A1429)
iPhone 5 (A1428)
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4 GSM
iPhone 4 GSM Rev A

iPad 4 (A1460)
iPad 4 (A1459)
iPad 4 (A1458)

iPad 3 Wifi + 3G
iPad 3 Wifi

iPad 2 Wifi + 3G
iPad 2 Wifi
iPad 2 Rev A

iPad Mini
iPad Mini (A1455)
iPad Mini (A1454)
iPad Mini (A1432)

iPod Touch 5G

iPad 2 Bug immer noch vorhanden: Respring nach dem öffnen des Smart Covers
Weiterhin kein Entsperrton auf iPad und iPhone 5

ich stelle gerade erfreut fest,daß meine wallpaper auf meinem 4s plötzlich mehr tiefenwirkung bekommen hat.
so das der parallax-effekt noch deutlicher erkennbar ist.
das war bei den früheren betas nicht der fall.
wie kann das sein,wenn die beta 6 nichts damit zu tun hat?

Neustart dauert immer noch ewig Zwinkern

Kommt auf das Gerät an. Beim iPhone 5 geht's ruck zuck, beim iPad 2 dauert's ein wenig.

Im Endeffekt ist es ein kleines Update.
Es hat sich etwas wenig getan, die Haptic ist identisch mit der Beta 5.

Also das Apple so schnell Betas raus haut ist doch etwas ungewöhnlich. Aber sollte uns ja recht sein.

weiss jemand ob das von mir installierte profil verloren geht, wenn ich das update mache?

ok das installierte profil geht nicht verloren..

d.h. für die orange at nutzer, das mobile internet funktioniert weiterhin.. was nachm update von beta 4 auf beta 5 ja nicht der fall war!

@Mcm2331 Die kamen vor der finalen Version auch schon im Wochenrhytmus, es liegt eben immer daran was noch anzupassen ist. Es gibt da wie gesagt keine Regel und keinen Fahrplan.

-> Anmeldung zum Test der iOS 9-Betas bitte per PM <-

Mir fällt überhaupt nichts neues auf. Ich hoffe ja immer noch auf mehr Icons pro Seite in den Ordnern.

(16.08.2013, 06:49)vyth schrieb:  ok das installierte profil geht nicht verloren..

d.h. für die orange at nutzer, das mobile internet funktioniert weiterhin.. was nachm update von beta 4 auf beta 5 ja nicht der fall war!

Hab ich das richtig verstanden: das mobile Internet funzt jetzt wieder für Orange AT!?
Bin beim IPhone 4S (Beta 5) meiner Frau wieder zurück auf 6.3, weil ich keine Chance hatte ins "mobile Datennetzwerk" zu gelangen...

Iphone 7 / 128GB / Weiß | iOS 11|   Ipad Air 2 / 64GB /  iOS 11

Da kann auch nicht viel passiert sein. Die Buildversion hat nicht mal einen Zahlensprung gemacht, die ist nur von 11A4449a auf 11A4449d gewandert. Vermutlich ging es bei dem Update wirklich nur um den iTunes in The Cloud-Bug.

-> Anmeldung zum Test der iOS 9-Betas bitte per PM <-

Mir ist etwas aufgefallen und das gefällt mir gar nicht

es ruckelt deutlich in einigen Menüs beim Scrollen. Z. B. Im Menü "Mobiles-Netz" wo die ganzen Apps angezeigt werden die mobile Daten nutzen.
Außerdem bei der Liste der Orte die Ortungsdienste nutzen. Das war bisher noch mit keiner iOS 7 beta so deutlich zu merken. Schade Apple. Hoffentlich wird das mit der GM behoben.

(iPhone 5 64GB)

Da ruckelt bei mir garnichts. Scrollt wie immer sehr smooth.

Nö, kann ich auch nicht bestätigen. Gerade in der Liste mit den häufigen Orten nicht, die habe ich recht häufig offen und die auch gleich heute Morgen auf Veränderungen gecheckt. Da hat nichts geruckelt, in den anderen Betas (abgesehen von der ersten Beta) übrigens auch nicht.

-> Anmeldung zum Test der iOS 9-Betas bitte per PM <-

Na, da bin ich mal gespannt, ob der Fehler mit der Multitouchbedienung behoben wurde, wo das iPad3 mitunter neustartete. Hatte deswegen in Beta 5 diese ausgeschaltet.

Die Appanpassungen macht dann wohl jeder Entwickler selbst, denn zB bei der Eye-TV-App ist bei Kennwort-Aufforderung immer noch kein Feld dafür wo man es eintippen kann.

@Eyefon ne du hast mich falsch verstanden...

bei beta 5 wurde es schon auf drei umgestellt... und so mussten orange kunden ein eigenes profil anlegen damit sie sich bei orange einwählen..

ich meinte damit nur, dass durch das update auf beta 6 das profil nicht gelöscht wird...

Wie installiere ich das *.mobileconfig ? Wenn ich das Konfiguration Utility verwende klappt es nicht.

Wo bekomme ich dieses "ResetMusicAndVideosLibraries configuration profile" her?
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