Hier das Feedback von NAVIGON zum Update der Vollversionen (inkl. iOS4-Support):
Hi All, we understand that you are waiting impatiently for the new
update 1.6.0. Please believe us, our dev team is working almost 24/7 to
provide you with some great new features. We are asking for your
understanding. Complex applications (as ours) sometimes need a little
bit more time for the developing process. But we are pretty sure that
you will love the upcoming update. Thank You!
Hi All, we understand that you are waiting impatiently for the new
update 1.6.0. Please believe us, our dev team is working almost 24/7 to
provide you with some great new features. We are asking for your
understanding. Complex applications (as ours) sometimes need a little
bit more time for the developing process. But we are pretty sure that
you will love the upcoming update. Thank You!
(08.07.2010, 17:01)womo44 schrieb: Ich finde es schon eine bodenlose unverschämtheit von navigon den kunden die 100€ für das programm bezahlt haben das update vorzuenthalten. habe mich heute erkundigt und die aussage erhalten das für die kunden die navigon gekauft haben vor herbst kein update kommen wird.Diese Aussage stimmt nicht. Das Update wird schon sehr bald verfügbar sein.