Moin Leute,
ich bin neu hier und wollte mal über meine schlechten Erfahrungen mit Borderlinx berichten.
Folgender Sachverhalt:
Ich habe vor gut 6 Wochen ebenfalls 2 Iphone bei bestellt. Dabei ist mir leider der Fehler unterlaufen (habe ich auch erst später gemerkt), dass ich die eingegebene Adresse von Boderlinx leider nicht übernommen habe und stattdessen den Vorschlag von Apple übernommen habe (könnte mich auch jetzt noch schlagen dafür).
Hier ist die Adresse die auf meiner Rechnung steht:
Christian Erl
D H L Express (UK) Ltd, Unit 7
Dunfermline Court, Kingston
MK10 0BY
Great Britain
Soweit so gut. Ich habe den Trackingstatus bei TNT dennoch genau verfolgt und siehe da: Das ganze wurde trotz der falschen Adresse pünktlich zu Boderlinx geliefert (20 Juli) und von einem gewissen Herrn Lancaster unterschrieben.
Nachdem ich den Support auf das Problem aufmerksam gemacht habe, sagte man mir, ich sollte mir keine Sorgen machen, da ja alles angekommen sei und das Hub-Team würde die Sache in nächster Zeit bearbeiten und sich dann melden. Naja, wir haben jetzt den 01.09.2010 und bis jetzt hat sich leider noch niemand gemeldet. Im Chat wurde ich immer vertröstet und niemand konnte mir dort weiterhelfen. Auch eine E-Mail an Herrn Spottiswood, die ich am 25 August verschickt habe (die Adresse habe ich aus diesem Forum) blieb bis heute unbeantwortet.
Das Schlimme kommt jedoch leider jetzt. Auf der Applerechnung stehen ja auch immer die Seriennummern der Iphones. Die habe ich einfach mal auf der Homepage von Apple eingegeben. Dort konnte ich meinen Augen kaum trauen, aber ein Iphone muss anscheinend schon aktiviert worden sein und ist im Gebrauch.
Daraufhin bin ich vorgestern direkt zur Polizei gegangen und habe Anzeige erstellt. Leider meinten die Herren schon vor Ort, dass man wohl nicht viel machen könnte. Auch ein Anruf bei Apple hat nicht viel ergeben. Man meinte trocken zu mir, dass Apple keinen Fehler gemacht hat und alles geliefert hätte und ich mich an Borderlinx wenden müsste. An die Adresse auf meiner Rechnung wurde jedoch das ganze nicht geliefert (sondern an die Adresse von Borderlinx) und das Paket habe ich ja auch nicht entgegen genommen, sondern Herr Lancaster (vielleicht kann man da rechtlich was machen, weil die Sendung ja auf meinen Namen läuft)???
Das ganze habe ich übrigens mit der Kreditkarte bezahlt. Bin jetzt am überlegen den Betrag zurück zu buchen.
Naja, ich bin auf jeden Fall jetzt total verzweifelt und weiß echt nicht, was ich noch machen soll?? Hat jemand von euch irgendeinen Rat???
Anbei ein Auszug aus dem Chat von Boderlinx und den Brief an Herrn Spottiswood
Apple confirmed me, that my shipment was delivered on 20th July to Borderlinx. I'm waiting now for 27 days and i don't get written confirmation or email that my iphones are delivered to Borderlinx.
I'm very disappointed with your service, 'cause nobody can tell me, what happened with my shipment.
I'm seriously considering to take legal measure against borderlinx. I hope you can help me now.
Here are some details of my order:
Carrier Tracking Number: 758788206
Delivery Reference Number: 8120171153
Estimated Delivery Date: 20th July
Signed by: Lancaster
16.08.2010 / 17:30 Uhr
Esther: Welcome to Borderlinx. Thanks for your enquiry. Please allow me a moment while I read your query/question.
Esther: Thank you for patiently waiting..
Esther: Please accept our sincere apologies for delay in shipment. Due to the popularity of iPhone, we are currently handing a huge unexpected volume of shipments at our hub in the UK.
Christian: yeah but borderlinx put me off from week to week with this statements
Esther: I understand your disappoinments. However please allow me to follow up this to them again.
Christian: somebody must tell me what happened with my shipment and when it processed
Christian: ok
Esther: Yes, no worries. I will put this on priority so that they can send you the status of your item as soon as possible.
Christian: ok thanks...but what is soon as possible? days? weeks?
Esther: I understand however unfortuantely I cannot commit you anything because I don't want to give your any misleding information. However I will do my best to help you ro resolved your issue.
Esther: Can you please provide me the following information:
Esther: Account number -
Esther: Merchant-
Esther: Track no-
Esther: Delivered on-
Esther: Item-
Christian: yeah hold on
Esther: Sure..
Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK15706614112X
Christian: account number of borderlinx?
Esther: yes
Esther: I mean your suite number please..
Christian: ok
Christian: 0710-9107
Christian: merchant: apple
Christian: carrier tracking number: 758788206
Christian: delivery reference number: 8120717753
Christian: oh sorry
Christian: 8120717753
Christian: 8120171153*
Christian: the last one
Christian: is right
Christian: delivered on: 20th July
Christian: item: two IPHONE 4 Black 16GB
Christian: get it?
Esther: I see.
Esther: Thank you for confirmation.
Christian: no problem
Esther: So please allow me to forward this to them again since I have now the complete details of your issue so that they can check and investigate this again.
Esther: Is it okay for you?
Christian: yeah for now
Esther: Thank you so much for your patience.
Esther: I really appreciate it.
Esther: Is there anything else I may assist you with today?
Christian: no thanks
Christian: bye
Christian: and thank you
Esther: Most welcome.
Esther: No worries.
Esther: Thank you for visiting. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you need any further assistance.
Und die Email:
Dear Mr. Spottiswood,
I am writing you to complain about the following situation:
I ordered two Apple iPhones 4 16GB at the 06.07.2010 online on and added the following shipping address:
Christian Erl
D H L Express (UK) Ltd, Unit 7
Dunfermline Court, Kingston
MK10 0BY
Great Britain
Apple has given me the following TNT reference-number with this I can follow the two iPhones 4 online on As you can see, the iPhones arrived on the 20 July 2010 (09:20) at the Borderlinx-Hub in England (Milton Keynes). Mr Lancaster has confirmed the delivery with his signature. At this point I have to say: With the signature I can assume, that the iPhones arrived on the 20 July 2010 in an excellent condition in your hub. I know that the address above is not the right one – Apple has changed the address – but your employee Mr Lancaster has confirmed the delivery with his signature! I have also draw attention to your support team, that Apple has changed the address. They have said, that this is no problem, because the iPhones are already in your hub, because of the confirmation-signature.
The next step, as I can read on homepage, is that I am actually going to get an email that my iPhones arrived at your hub and a payment-request. But after the confirmed delivery on 20 July 2010 at your hub in England nothing has happened! In your blog I have read that a big number of iPhones have arrived at the hub in England – so I waited two more days but nothing happened. To ask for me delivery status I have contacted your support team by chat and mail. In the chat the guy has apologized for the delay with the comment “High number of iPhones arrived at our hub.....”. I have waited two more days, but as you can guess: nothing has happened again! I contacted the chat again and again, but with the same result! I have no confirmation-mail or iPhone!
Yesterday I heard about the opportunity on , where I have the possibility to see, whether a iPhone is already activated and I could not believe my eyes, as I saw the result: I have checked the two serial numbers, which you can see on the invoice:
The iPhone with the serial number ..... is already activated on the 17 August 2010. The second one with the serial number ..... is inactive at the moment.
I contacted your support team by chat again and presented my situation. The answer was that your team will contact me within the next couple of hours! But again, as you can guess: nothing happened....
The next steps that I will adopt:
I will waiting the next 48 hours for your answer with your action-plan. I would accept to get the two iPhones 4 at the beginning of the next week or you will replace the invoice amount of 998 British Pound Sterling.
If I will not receive an answer to my complain I am going to adopt the following steps:
I go in contact with the German police to give up a legal proceedings on basis of theft, because one the iPhone is already activated, as I said before. Moreover I take legal measure with my lawyer against the Borderlinx-Company.
In my view it is not necessary to adopt these steps, but I am really disappointed about the situation.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me under the following contact-opportunities:
Christian Erl
I add this email the original Apple-invoice.
King regards,
Christian Erl