08.01.2008, 00:04
Hat denn nun schon wer gefragt? :angel:
autchirion schrieb:ne, ich unternehme da erst mal nix, würde erst mal gerne was von dem führenden Entwickler dieser Software hören... :-)
ruhrpott-desire schrieb:@Kay meld dich mal bei mir, am besten per PN oder ICQ (192-086-141)
Dann gcuken wir mal dass wir voran kommen
ruhrpott-desire schrieb:Habe dir ne PN geschrieben...Und hast ihm schon geschrieben?
This is ruhrpott-desire from the German IPhone – Community www.iszene.com.
I think you’ve already talked to Kay, another user.
As you know we are very interested in IGuide TV.
But there are some problems left, you said that we should write a ‘.xml’, this has to get data from a Server, we’d liked to use “http://iphone.tvtoday.de/op/tvt_ip/de/ct/ “ The Problem is, that it is illegal to download the data from the Server, I hope you know what I mean
Is this so much different to France?
Maybe you’ve got some hints
Thanks for your message.
yes, it's illegal in France too to get data without any permissions from the editors.
For the deutch version of iGuideTV, i am actually trying to sign a deal with a french company that have the deutsch tv programs list or a deutsch company.
I hope this will take a short time
For the France, i have signed a deal
I keep you in touch for the deutsch version
Zitat:Awesome news man!
I’m afraid in hearing from you